Character Breakdown: Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows

I will be focusing on the book Kaz, rather than the show one. I really love the actor they picked for him, but I feel like they toned him way down and made him a lot softer towards his Crows, which worked in the show, but isn't so much what I want to talk about today. (But I probably will use pictures of him, because he's a cutie.)
Spoilers ahead!

•Ruthless. Kaz will do anything to get what he wants. Generally money or Inej (in a protective way). He'll double-cross, beat, or kill to get what he wants. Do not get in-between Kaz and his goal.
•Emotionally suppressed. Due to his past and PTSD, Kaz has a hard time getting close to anyone, physically or emotionally. He doesn't do well at expressing things like love to Inej or concern for others.

•Smart. Kaz can come up with a plan even when every odd is against him. He's a shrewd businessman, owning several establishments in the Barrel. His smarts are what have enabled him to survive, along with his willingness to do anything.
•Inspiring. Despite his nature and all the terrible things he does, Kaz inspires loyalty in his followers. His Crows by the end of the book are willing to do whatever he says almost without question. They know that if anyone can win, it's him.

•Cold-hearted. Due to his willingness to do anything and what happened to him as a child, he sees almost nothing good in the world. He's shut his heart to everyone and everything, except money (and eventually, Inej). He does terrible things like ripping out eyes and terrifying children.
•Untrustworthy. Kaz betrays and backstabs almost everyone in the series. He's almost always one step ahead of everyone else. There are many times he turns on his own allies in order to gain what he wants.

•Con artist. Kaz isn't the leader of the Crows, and eventually the Dregs, for nothing. His smarts and preparedness are perfect for running cons. He can get your money from you and probably have you thank him for taking it.
•Slight of hand. Kaz is well known for his fast fingers. Even though he always wear gloves, he can steal almost anything, even if it's tied down.
•Lock picking. He's also a great lock-pick. We see him pick a variety of locks over the books, from simple to complex, enabling him to pull off his schemes.

What Makes Him Interesting
•His backstory. As a boy, he and his brother came to the city and were conned out of their money by Pekka Rollins. Being out on the streets, they caught the plague and his brother died. Kaz only survived by using his brother's body, giving him severe PTSD and making him unable to touch other's skin. Once we learn his whole backstory, we feel more sympathetic for what he's become and the things he's gone through.
•Inej's faith in him. Inej is the one person who doesn't see Kaz as the monster he claims. She believes that he's actually a good person, and I think that helps us like him more too. Plus, I like how soft he can be around her, even if he doesn't know how to be soft.

What do you like about Kaz Brekker? Why do you think he appeals to people? Tell me in the comments.
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